This afternoon we explored Old Dhaka. Ty wanted to visit Sitara Mosque but our driver didn't know where it was. We almost gave up finding it but it seemed to suddenly rise out of nowhere. We peered through the fence and saw dozens of barefoot men face down praying so we were content to watch from that distance. But a very friendly man named Bashir who spoke good English insisted we go in "after they stop praying." A minute later he said "OK we can go in" but the scene hadn't changed much and it looked like they were still mid-prayer. Whatever. He asked us to take off our shoes ("socks OK") and for Amanda and I to cover our heads. He was eager to tell us all about the beautiful tiles and also how peaceful Muslims are. "If I am cut, it bleeds red. If you are cut, it bleeds red. Not green or yellow." In the midst of this a cadre of clerics descended upon Ty and Justin gathering them into their circle. Bashir said they wanted to speak with them but when I stepped forward he stopped me with a kind smile "Gents only." Amanda and I watched from a distance as the men asked questions, poured perfume on their wrists and fed them piles of cookies and angel food cake. Then they had them repeat a bunch of Arabic that basically meant "God is great when you're sleeping, God is great when you're eating, God is great when you're smelling..." and "There is one God Allah and Mohammad is his prophet." It only took 20 minutes to convert them. ;-)
Watching prayer outside the fence.
Clerics inviting the men to hang out.
The conversion process.
Goodbye, my friend. Justin said that guy wouldn't let go.
That is AWESOME. I can't wait to hear your stories.